Temporary glitch resolved

You can get show #147 again

Apologies to those who have had difficulty getting show #147. The problem has been resolved and the file is available once again.

In a nutshell, we’re testing a new podcast stat service that’s in beta (which rocks, incidentally). The problem occurred when we made a change to our profile. Using the service requires that we redirect any references to the MP3 file’s URL through the service’s domain. When we made the change, the service picked up the previous URL instead of the original one, which pointed to the home of our MP3 files over at Libsyn. It took a while to identify the problem and then to get the service to let us update the profile with the correct redirect URL. But all is well now and everything’s working just fine.

We’ll report on the service we’re using once it moves out of beta; we’ve been asked to keep it quiet until then. But it definitely shows considerably more downloads of the show than Libsyn’s stats service.

Posted by shel on 06/21 at 07:20 AM






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