Production Challenges

Production has been a bit of a challenge with today’s edition of The Hobson & Holtz Report, show #53.

Not especially because I was doing it this time rather than Shel; no, more to do with using an audio recording and editing application with which I’m not yet fully familiar. So doing things like clicking on a button or icon to answer the question “I wonder if the sound improves if I do this…” definitely was not a good idea today.

The application in question is Adobe Audition 1.5 for Windows. Excellent program, without doubt. But my unfamiliarity with it meant that producing the final MP3 file has taken much longer than usual with some major fixing needed during the process plus, in the end, some essential correcting work with good old trusty Audacity.

Anyway, finalizing the show MP3 file is a bit delayed, sorry to say. It will be up on the server as soon as possible, and if you subscribe to the RSS feed, you’ll get it automatically.

The usual detailed show notes will be published here, also as soon as possible.

Posted by neville on 07/25 at 10:57 AM






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