McGraw-Hill will publish our podcasting book

“How to Do Everything with Podcasting” will be out later this year.

Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz are thrilled to announce that we have come to agreement with McGraw-Hill to write “How to Do Everything with Podcasting,” a comprehensive book on the strategies and tactics of podcasting to be published as part of the popular “How to Do Everything” series. We announced the deal on our Thursday podcast.

We have a June 1 deadline to complete some 450 pages that will cover planning, recording, editing, distributing, marketing, building community, monetization, and a host of other topics. We’ll focus on business podcasts internal and external, as well as podcasting as a hobby. We’ll explore various options for production, review existing services, and introduce you to several podcasters who will share the approaches that led to their success. Our plan is to offer the most thorough and comprehensive volume available. Without question, though, it will be the first podcasting book we’re aware of to be written by co-hosts of a podcast.

We’re particularly grateful to our agent, Yvonne DiVita, who worked tirelessly to pull the deal together.

With Neville in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Shel in Concord, California, we’ve decided to use a wiki to collaborate, which should be interesting (in addition to helping us address wikis as work collaboration tools more effectively). At some point down the road, we’ll also launch a blog dedicated to the book and its themes. We already have a domain——but there’s nothing there yet. We’ll let you know when it’s ready for launch.

We’d write more, but the first chapter is already due!

[Technorati: podcasting book, everything with podcasting]

Posted by shel on 03/04 at 06:08 AM
  1. As I said in my own post, congrats gents. It’s a result of your great achievements with FIR.

    Posted by Sebastian  on  03/04  at  02:42 PM
  2. Well done, guys!! REALLY looking forward to reading how to incorporate a mixing desk, microphones and skype at the same time. If you need a hand proof-reading…

    Posted by Lee Hopkins  on  03/05  at  04:58 PM
  3. Great news about the book - I know I’m a bit behind the times on this one. Put me down for an advance copy. And, please don’t forget us Mac users when presenting all the technology and how-tos.

    Posted by Gerry Murray  on  08/10  at  12:27 PM






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