Wednesday, November 26, 2014

FIR on Higher Education #23: Social Media and Academic Freedom

Steve Salaita, a tenured professor, was all ready to make the leap from Virginia Tech to the University of Illinois. In fact, he had resigned from his job at Virginia Tech. But then, his job offer at U of I was rescinded, allegedly because of anti-Semitic tweets.

David Guth, a professor at the University of Kansas, posted insensitive tweets about the NRA following the Navy Yard shooting last year, which led to the institution suspending him and changing its social media policies.

Both these stories have led to significant debate about academics’ use of social media and academic freedom.

On episode 23 of FIR on Higher Education, social media attorney Scott Malouf offers his analysis and provides insights on using social media from a legal perspective. He also provides some best practice on how to go about drafting and reviewing social media policies.

In our reports section, we cover the film Ivory Tower an article that appeared on Marketing Profs about how internal online training can help organizations and different learning technologies.

This episode is sponsored in part by Experiential Communications’ forthcoming Online Media Training Program for Academics.

About Scott Malouf
Scott is a social media attorney. He helps litigators turn social media into court-ready evidence, reduce the cost of social media discovery, find evidence in unexpected places and identify new claims and strategies arising from social media. He also assists corporate and business attorneys in creating corporate social media programs that achieve business, compliance and legal objectives. More information at

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About Your Host
Kevin AnselmoKevin Anselmo is the Founder and Principal of Experiential Communications, a consultancy focused on education. He helps brands within academia - whether individual or corporate - communicate with stakeholders. He also teaches communications and public relations workshops to different individuals and groups and is currently designing an online media training program for academics.

Previously, Kevin was Director of Public Relations for Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and prior to that managed the media relations for IMD Business School in Switzerland. In addition, he was an adjunct communications professor at Nyack College in New York.

Currently based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Kevin lived and worked in Switzerland for eight years and in Germany for two years. He has led public relations initiatives in various countries around the world.

Find Kevin on Twitter: @kevinanselmo.

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Posted by Kevin Anselmo on 11/26 at 07:51 AM
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