FIR Cuts: GM, the UAW, and the Fastlane blog

FIR Cuts: GM, the UAW, and the Fastlane blog

Cut from FIR #279: How GM handled the UAW strike on its Fastlane blog.

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Posted by shel on 09/27 at 12:29 PM
  1. Hi,

    I guess I’m wondering why your discussion of the GM strike did not include any analysis of the union’s blogging (or lack thereof). Your comments regarding the UAW caste the organization only as an adversary to be overcome, and one which uses “campaigns” in ways that aren’t always fair to the company position. Perhaps your perception offers a teaching moment for the union, which certainly operates in the traditional political landscape, but could have benefited from the use of blogging to state its case to an audience that includes people outside the union. Or perhaps you simply didn’t have a chance to look for any UAW blogs?

    Posted by Shelly Brisbin  on  10/03  at  04:31 AM






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