Sunday, March 09, 2014

FIR Interview: Dan York and Neville Hobson in London, March 7, 2014

[L-R] Dan York and Neville Hobson

FIR correspondent Dan York spent the past week in London at IETF 89, the conference of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), in his capacity as senior content strategist at the Internet Society.

The IETF is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of internet architecture and the smooth operation of the internet.

In far more an informal conversation than an interview, Dan and FIR co-host Neville Hobson met up in the evening of March 7 to talk (and reminisce) about the internet, the milestone of the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web, and more, in a wide-ranging discussion that began with Dan’s perspectives on his week in London at IETF 89.

Their conversation embraced views about online security, privacy and identity, issues of trust surrounding government eavesdropping and surveillance post-Snowden revelations, and the "Internet of Things." It included Dan’s and Neville’s perspectives and ideas on what communicators need to be thinking about and doing that will help others understand the changes that online technologies bring to society, to organizations, to individuals.

  • Technical aspects: The conversation was recorded on an Olympus LS-14 portable digital audio recorder in WAV file format; final MP3 file production was carried out with Adobe Audition 3.

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Posted by neville on 03/09 at 01:01 AM
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