Tuesday, July 01, 2014

AMP UP Your Social Media #28: B2C Social Relationships with Scott Monty

AMP UP Your Social MediaScott Monty is the former Global Head of Social Media at Ford Motor Company. Ford is one of the leading automakers of the USA based in Detroit, Michigan that built its way to operating in several countries. Scott recently joined AMP Up Your Social Media’s host Glenn Gaudet to discuss B2C social relationships.

“The great thing about social is that it’s not about the technology… it’s about a mindset.”

Scott offers tips for social media marketers on how to gain customers’ trust:

  1. Create human bonds. People have a hard time trusting companies, but they do trust people. Don’t focus only on transactional relationships, but also human bonds. When people feel like they are being listened to and appreciated, they will have stronger connection with the company. This will help with future prospects who may turn to those people for references.
  2. Put the company in control of social media relationships. Your company has a more meaningful understanding of your product than any social media agency will. You will understand how to turn the collected data into insights that can be processed by different parts of the organization. Agencies aren’t as reliable because they have a higher turnover rate and won’t be able to spread the data throughout the company in order to be successful..
  3. Pay attention to customers’ wants and needs. Pick a person to be the face of the company who will interact with individuals. Pay attention to where your customers spend their time, what they are doing, and what their expectations are when it comes to a brand. This will give you the opportunity to form a relationship that allows your customers to appreciate your company on a more personal level.

Scott would love to hear from you! Chat with him on Twitter or find him at http://www.scottmonty.com/

About Scott Monty

Scott MontyScott Monty graduated from Boston University’s School of Medicine with a Master’s in Medical Science, but it wasn’t until the early 2000s when he had kids that he began to blog. That started his career in social media, which led to his important positions in companies like Crayon and Ford. With six years of experience in Ford, Scott has been named as one of the top 10 influencers in social media by Forbes.

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AMP UP Your Social Media is sponsored by:

  • GaggleAMP - Empower your employees, partners and resellers to amplify your social media.
  • SafeLinks - Know when your links on social media messages fail before you lose out on the people clicking on them.

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Posted by shel on 07/01 at 08:05 AM
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